Privacy Statement

The IASCJ- CENTER UNIVERSITÁRIO SAGRADO CORAÇÃO - UNISAGRADO, legal entity of private law, civil association, philanthropic, registered with CNPJ / MF under nº. 61.015.087 / 0008-31, with address at Rua Irmã Arminda, nº. 10-50, Jd. Brazil, in the city of Bauru / SP, CEP 17011-160 ("UNISAGRADO"), through this privacy policy will bring information about the data of users who use our website and other social networks, serving this Privacy Policy to regulate, in a simple, transparent and objective way, what data and information will be obtained, as well as when they can be used.

This Policy applies to the Pages related to UNISAGRADO, understanding as such all those listed on the official UNISAGRADO website, at .

To understand this policy, some concepts follow:

Personal data: any information related to the identified or identifiable natural person.

Sensitive Data: all personal information related to race or ethnicity, religious belief, gender, genetic or biometric data, political opinion, union membership, health data.

Treatment: consist of operations carried out regarding personal data relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, disposal, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, diffusion or extraction.



UNISAGRADO will be able to collect the information actively entered by the User at the time of registration and also information collected automatically when using the pages and the network, such as, for example, user identification, IP with date and time of the connection, among others.

The User when using the services of the website is consenting to the present Privacy Policy.

Thus, there is the treatment of two types of personal and sensitive data: (i) those provided by the User; and (ii) those collected automatically.

i. Information provided by the User: UNISAGRADO collects all the information actively entered by the User in the Pages, such as full name, e-mail, telephone, gender, date of birth, CPF, RG, address, courses of interest, city and state, schooling , interests, when filling out forms on the Pages by the User.

ii. Data collected automatically: UNISAGRADO also collects a series of information automatically, such as: characteristics of the access device, browser, IP (with date and time), IP source, click information, pages accessed, the following pages accessed after the Pages exit, or any search term entered on the site or in reference to it, among others. For such collection, UNISAGRADO will use some standard technologies, such as cookies , pixel tags , beacons and local shared objects , which are used for the purpose of improving the user's browsing experience on the Pages, according to their habits and preferences. .

It is possible to disable, through the settings of your internet browser, the automatic collection of information through some technologies, such as cookies and caches. However, the User must be aware that, if these technologies are disabled, some resources offered by the website, which depend on the treatment of said data, may not work correctly.

In addition, UNISAGRADO will be able to promote satisfaction and preference surveys when using the Wi-Fi Network, collecting this information to improve our networks every day, to better understand your preferences and evaluate the quality and your impressions about the Institution, as well as as for statistical and advertising purposes. For this last hypothesis, UNISAGRADO provides functionalities for the User to authorize (or not) the treatment of their data, being certain that such acceptance is not a condition for the User's registration.

The information collected may be shared by UNISAGRADO with: (i) other companies in the network to which UNISAGRADO belongs; (ii) for the protection of UNISAGRADO's interests in any type of conflict; (iii) upon judicial decision or at the request of a competent authority.

Furthermore, we clarify that your information may also be shared with companies that provide the technological and operational infrastructure necessary for UNISAGRADO's activities, such as payment intermediaries, banking institutions and information storage service providers and others.

Data processing agents must keep records of all personal data processing operations. It must compose an inventory: purpose of the treatment, description of the categories of data and of the holders, flow of data outside the organization, security measures, identification and contact information of the controller, and the periods for the exclusion of the different categories of data .

The User will be able to access, update and add his data, as well as be able to request the deletion of his data collected by UNISAGRADO, by sending an email to .

We will endeavor to respond to you in the shortest possible time, respecting the custody periods established by law.



The information collected by UNISAGRADO is intended to facilitate, streamline and fulfill the commitments established with the user, enforce requests made by filling out forms, establishing a contractual link (if applicable) or the management, administration, provision , expansion and improvement of the UNISAGRADO User Pages.

The information collected may also be used for advertising purposes, such as sending information, UNISAGRADO campaigns, as well as the dissemination of events, or to conduct a satisfaction survey.

If the user no longer wishes to receive advertising information from UNISAGRADO, the User may contact UNISAGRADO at any time by e-mail: .



Cookies are files or information that can be stored on your devices when the user visits UNISAGRADO's Pages. Generally, a cookie contains the name of the website that originated it, its lifetime and a value, which is generated randomly.

UNISAGRADO uses cookies to facilitate use and better adapt the Pages to your interests and needs, as well as to compile information about the use of our sites and services, helping to improve their structures and content. Cookies can also be used to speed up your future activities and experiences on the Pages.

When the user uses the UNISAGRADO pages, cookies will be automatically stored on their device to remember this in the next session, unless they are disabled.

At any time, the user may revoke his / her consent regarding cookies, so he / she must delete cookies from UNISAGRADO Pages using the settings of his / her preferred browser.

Finally, we remind you that if the User does not accept some cookies from the UNISAGRADO Pages, certain services may not work optimally.



UNISAGRADO may establish a partnership with other companies related to the events developed. In this way, you will be able to share the information collected through the Pages, in the following hypotheses:

i. With other companies in the same UNISAGRADO Network, who undertake to use the information for the same purposes indicated in this Policy;

ii. With partner companies, in the development of UNISAGRADO's commercial activities;

iii. To protect the interests of UNISAGRADO in any type of conflict, including lawsuits;

iv. By court order or at the request of administrative authorities that have legal competence for your request.



UNISAGRADO will store the information collected on its Pages on its own servers or contracted by it.

UNISAGRADO uses reasonable market and legally required means to preserve the privacy of the data collected on its Pages. Thus, it adopts the following precautions, in compliance with the guidelines on safety standards established in Decree nº 8.771 / 2016, such as:

i. UNISAGRADO uses standard and market methods to encrypt and anonymize the collected data;

ii. UNISAGRADO has protection against unauthorized access to its systems;

iii. UNISAGRADO only authorizes the access of previously established persons to the place where the collected information is stored;

iv. Those who come into contact with the information must undertake to maintain absolute confidentiality. Breach of confidentiality will result in civil liability and the person responsible will be held responsible according to Brazilian law; and

v. Maintenance of the inventory indicating the moment, duration, identity of the employee, or of the person responsible for access and the object file, based on the connection and application access records, as determined in article 13 of Decree nº 8.771 / 2016.

UNISAGRADO adopts the best efforts in order to preserve the privacy of Users' data. However, no website is completely secure and UNISAGRADO cannot fully guarantee that all information that travels on the Pages is not subject to unauthorized access by means of methods developed to obtain information improperly. For this reason, we encourage Users to take appropriate measures to protect themselves, such as, for example, keeping all usernames and passwords confidential .



The information collected by UNISAGRADO through the Pages will be automatically deleted from its servers when they are no longer useful for the purposes for which they were collected, or when the user requests the deletion of their personal data.

Without prejudice, the information may be kept for compliance with legal or regulatory obligation, transfer to a third party - as long as the data processing requirements are respected - and exclusive use of UNISAGRADO.



The user, under the terms of article 17 of the General Data Protection Law, consists of the protection of his data and his title.

In compliance with the applicable regulations, with regard to the processing of personal data, UNISAGRADO respects and guarantees to the User, the possibility of submitting requests based on the following rights:

i. confirmation of the existence of treatments;

ii. access to data;

iii. the correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;

iv. anonymizing, blocking or deleting unnecessary, excessive or non-compliant data;

v. the portability of your data to another service or product provider, upon express request by the User;

saw. the elimination of data processed with the User's consent;

vii. obtaining information about the public or private entities with which UNISAGRADO shared its data;

viii. information about the possibility of not giving your consent, as well as being informed about the consequences, in case of refusal;

ix. revocation of consent.

Part of these rights may be exercised directly by the User, based on the management of account information, on the data page. The other changes will depend on the submission of a request for further evaluation and adoption of other measures by UNISAGRADO.

If you need any assistance to exercise your rights, the User can contact UNISAGRADO, according to the guidelines in this Policy.

The User is aware that the exclusion of essential information for the management of his account with UNISAGRADO will result in the termination of his registration .

UNISAGRADO will make every effort to fulfill such requests in the shortest possible time. However, even in the event of an exclusion request, the minimum storage period for information of users of Internet applications, determined by Brazilian legislation, will be respected.



This Policy will be governed, interpreted and executed in accordance with the Laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, especially Law No. 13,709 / 2018, regardless of the Laws of other states or Countries, with the User's jurisdiction being competent to resolve any doubts arising from this document.